Sunday, December 27, 2009
All You Need Is Your Health
The last time you got the flu, how much did you get done? How about a cold? Yeah, you made it to work, but did you get much more done than watching the clock, counting down the minutes until you got to go home? I didn't think so.
They say if you don't have your health, you don't have much.
You know it's true. And the 2 ailments I mentioned above are usually short term, thank God.
We've all been affected by the loss of someone because of health reasons. A lot of them could be prevented by taking preventative measures. We have to take care of ourselves, it's our responsibility to get & stay healthy!
SORRY, no pill or doctor is going to do it for you!
The first thing most people need to do, is get rid of belly fat. If you've read anything about health, you know the adverse affects of belly fat, & if you don't think it's a problem, just go to an airport or mall where lots of people are, & in a matter of minutes you'll see 100's of people that are overweight.
Getting healthy & staying healthy doesn't have to be 2 hour event 7 days a week either. You can get started burning fat & getting healthy in as little as 10 minutes a day.
But you know, once you build up some stamina, you're gonna want & be able to put in more time than that. Because when we do something that gives us positive results, we want more positive results.
Another key ingredient to better health is better eating habits. This meal replacement shake is the best on the planet. It'll be your healthies meal of the day. I dare you to take a look!
So, I've showed you 3 things here to help you start getting healthy:
1. Lose the belly!
2. Follow a fitness program!
3. Eat Healthy!
Now, do you you know you should & GET STARTED!
Make 2010 the healthiest year of your life, & that will make 2010 the best year of your life!
They say if you don't have your health, you don't have much.
You know it's true. And the 2 ailments I mentioned above are usually short term, thank God.
We've all been affected by the loss of someone because of health reasons. A lot of them could be prevented by taking preventative measures. We have to take care of ourselves, it's our responsibility to get & stay healthy!
SORRY, no pill or doctor is going to do it for you!
The first thing most people need to do, is get rid of belly fat. If you've read anything about health, you know the adverse affects of belly fat, & if you don't think it's a problem, just go to an airport or mall where lots of people are, & in a matter of minutes you'll see 100's of people that are overweight.
Getting healthy & staying healthy doesn't have to be 2 hour event 7 days a week either. You can get started burning fat & getting healthy in as little as 10 minutes a day.
But you know, once you build up some stamina, you're gonna want & be able to put in more time than that. Because when we do something that gives us positive results, we want more positive results.
Another key ingredient to better health is better eating habits. This meal replacement shake is the best on the planet. It'll be your healthies meal of the day. I dare you to take a look!
So, I've showed you 3 things here to help you start getting healthy:
1. Lose the belly!
2. Follow a fitness program!
3. Eat Healthy!
Now, do you you know you should & GET STARTED!
Make 2010 the healthiest year of your life, & that will make 2010 the best year of your life!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Last Longer During Sex
Are you or the little woman tired of your hair pin trigger? Just get "locked & loaded" only to have a "misfire!" This is one area of life you don't want a "quick release" & this can fix it. Start satisfying the women in your life now & go till the sun comes up!
Click Here!
Click Here!
Rejuvinate Through Meditation & Achieve Clarity
Discover how much better you will feel when you discover the power of meditation! Sometimes when life gets you down, the best way to make it better is to take a time out.
Click Here!
Click Here!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
10 Fit Foods for Fall by Joe Wilkes
We all know the benefits of eating fruits and vegetables. They contain vitamins, minerals, fiber, and other nutrients to keep our bodies running in peak condition. Study after study shows that people who consume the most fruits and veggies are less at risk for a host of illnesses, including heart disease and cancer. And so, farmers' markets have started cropping up all over and supermarkets have begun expanding their produce sections to accommodate the increased demand. In some places, fast-food restaurants are giving way to community garden plots. Even the White House lawn has been tilled and planted.
The best fruits and vegetables to eat are the ones grown locally and seasonally. Doing this saves money, protects the planet, and pleases your palate. Crops are more bountiful during their natural harvest times, and your pocketbook benefits from the surplus. Plus, if you buy locally, you won't incur the costs of the food being transported to your store, and the planet won't incur the costs of fossil fuels being burned to ship that food. But even if money were no object and global warming weren't an issue, the best reason to eat locally and seasonally is taste. The following 10 foods are reaching their seasonal peaks. They're grown and available in most regions of the United States.
1. Apples. An apple a day can keep the doctor away in more ways than one. Studies have shown that apples can help lower cholesterol, manage diabetes, and prevent several diseases, including cancer, Alzheimer's disease, osteoporosis, and asthma. Make sure you don't peel the apple. The peel contains quercetin, an antioxidant shown in a Finnish study to reduce heart disease and inhibit tumor growth. The skin also contains insoluble fiber; the flesh contains pectin, a soluble fiber. While apples are great on their own, they also make great crunchy additions to salads or tasty additions to baked dessert treats. Did you know apples were originally native to Kazakhstan? That makes Borat their second-best export.
2. Corn. Generally, our society eats way too much corn. It's in almost every food we eat, especially in its most nefarious form—high fructose corn syrup. It's easily America's number one crop. But fall is the time when we get the harvest of the tastiest sweet corn. Besides being delicious, in its unprocessed state, it's actually quite healthy. A food study at Cornell University showed that ferulic acid, an antioxidant produced when sweet corn is cooked, is another heart disease and cancer fighter. It's also a good source of vitamins B1, B5, and C, folate, and fiber. Besides eating it on the cob, try corn in salads or as a colorful, crunchy addition to a salsa.
3. Cucumbers. Normally, we don't see cucumbers until they've been pickled and sliced and added to two all-beef patties and a sesame seed bun. Cucumbers are very low in calories (just 4 calories per ounce), a natural diuretic, and thought to help prevent pancreatic, liver, and kidney diseases. They contain potassium, which helps regulate blood pressure. The skin contains silica, which helps strengthen connective tissue. And they're not just for eating. The juice makes a great skin lotion. Those spa ladies with cucumber slices on their eyes aren't doing it for nothing. The juice reduces swelling not just for eye bags but also for burns and skin disorders. A tasty way to eat cucumbers is my Russian grandmother's simple recipe of thinly sliced cucumbers, low-fat yogurt, thinly sliced onion, and chopped dill (she actually used sour cream too, but we won't go there).
4. Eggplant. Eggplants contain lots of vitamins, minerals, and fiber, and also high levels of antioxidants, including nasunin, which has been shown to protect cells from free radical damage. Eggplants also contain terpenes, which are believed to help lower cholesterol. Eggplant is a very versatile ingredient in all kinds of cooking, including Italian, Indian, and Chinese dishes. It can be baked, stewed, or sautéed, among other cooking methods. One thing to watch out for is that the flesh of the eggplant is highly absorptive, so if you fry it in oil, it will soak it all up. One cooking technique is to lightly salt sliced eggplant before cooking it; then let it sit for a half hour and rinse the salt off. This will cause the cell structure of the eggplant to contract, making it a little less "spongey." My mom's been dealing with a bumper crop of eggplant from her backyard garden and has been putting eggplant in everything. A recent success was replacing the pasta in her favorite lasagna recipe with thinly sliced eggplant. It absorbed the tomato sauce instead of the oil and made the dish richer and creamier.
5. Grapes. There's been much written about the benefits of wine, and the harvest for the 2009 vintages is beginning. But you don't have to get loaded to get the benefits of grapes. In their unfermented state, they're a great source of vitamins A, B6, and C, folate, potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, and fiber. Like apples, they contain the antioxidant quercitin. They also contain resveratrol, which has been shown to reduce blood clots and protect arteries from free radical damage. Generally speaking, the darker the grape, the higher the antioxidant levels. Grapes are great snacks and low in calories. They make great additions to salads, or you can freeze them for a warm-weather treat.
6. Okra. This may be the most intimidating ingredient on this list. Many people are put off by okra's bristly outside and somewhat slimy inside, but it has a lot of health benefits that should make you take a second look. It's full of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. And it has great gastrointestinal benefits. Its high mucilage content, which thickens stews and gumbos, also helps absorb cholesterol, toxins, and bile and has a gentle laxative effect. Its seeds also contain amino acids and protein. It is also believed to be good for the skin and hair. It has been said that Cleopatra ate okra as part of her beauty regimen. Okra is great in soups and stews or lightly sautéed as a side dish.
7. Pears. This is my favorite fall food. The biggest, juiciest pears start showing up in farmers' markets right about now. Besides being a great source of stains on my shirts, they have high levels of vitamins C and K, copper, and fiber. They contain even more of the soluble fiber pectin than apples, which can play an important part in digestive health and lowering cholesterol. Pears have also been shown to reduce kidney inflammation and colitis. Asian pears, which are crunchy like an apple, are also in season now and contain the health benefits of both fruits. Pears are great plain, broiled, or poached. Asian pears can be shredded as a healthy addition to a slaw.
8. Peppers. Whether you like them spicy or sweet, now is prime pepper-picking time. Fiber-rich peppers have high levels of vitamins A, C, and K, with red peppers containing the highest levels. Red peppers, like tomatoes, are also good sources of lycopene, which studies show may be linked to cancer prevention. Hot peppers contain capsaicin, which has been shown to help prevent ulcers and lower cholesterol. Plus, hot peppers can help ramp up your metabolism. I can't think of many dishes that couldn't be improved with a little peppery zip. Soups, stir-frys, salads . . . I even had some chocolate cayenne ice cream that was pretty good.
9. Raspberries are some of the healthiest, but priciest, berries out there. So now when they're in season is the most economical time to enjoy them. Raspberries contain several flavonoids called anthocyanins, believed to have antimicrobial properties, which can help prevent fungal and yeast infections and aid with irritable bowel syndrome. A Netherlands study recently showed that raspberries had 10 times as many antioxidants as tomatoes. Like apples and pears, they also contain high levels of pectin. While they're great as snacks and desserts, think about trying them in a salad.
10. Tomatoes. The big new star of the tomato nutritional profile is lycopene. This carotenoid has increasingly been shown to be a powerful antioxidant that may play a big role in preventing cancer and heart disease. They are also great sources of vitamin C. And for those of you who don't care for raw tomatoes (as George Carlin said, they look like they're in the larval stage), tomatoes lose very little of their nutritional value when cooked. So they can be enjoyed stewed, in sauce, and even as ketchup (although we recommend a ketchup free of high fructose corn syrup and low in sodium). This is a prime time to seek out tomatoes at the farmers' market. Especially exotic are the heirloom varieties that come in yellows, greens, purples, browns, and reds. They can make a beautiful multicolored and antioxidant-rich salad.
If you can't get to the farmers' market, you just can't stand eating fruits and vegetables, or you don't have the time to get your recommended number of servings each day, fear not. Try out Shakeology®, the new shake from Beachbody® that contains more than 70 healthy ingredients. It takes the guesswork out of nutrition. It's the Healthiest Meal of the Day®.
The best fruits and vegetables to eat are the ones grown locally and seasonally. Doing this saves money, protects the planet, and pleases your palate. Crops are more bountiful during their natural harvest times, and your pocketbook benefits from the surplus. Plus, if you buy locally, you won't incur the costs of the food being transported to your store, and the planet won't incur the costs of fossil fuels being burned to ship that food. But even if money were no object and global warming weren't an issue, the best reason to eat locally and seasonally is taste. The following 10 foods are reaching their seasonal peaks. They're grown and available in most regions of the United States.
1. Apples. An apple a day can keep the doctor away in more ways than one. Studies have shown that apples can help lower cholesterol, manage diabetes, and prevent several diseases, including cancer, Alzheimer's disease, osteoporosis, and asthma. Make sure you don't peel the apple. The peel contains quercetin, an antioxidant shown in a Finnish study to reduce heart disease and inhibit tumor growth. The skin also contains insoluble fiber; the flesh contains pectin, a soluble fiber. While apples are great on their own, they also make great crunchy additions to salads or tasty additions to baked dessert treats. Did you know apples were originally native to Kazakhstan? That makes Borat their second-best export.
2. Corn. Generally, our society eats way too much corn. It's in almost every food we eat, especially in its most nefarious form—high fructose corn syrup. It's easily America's number one crop. But fall is the time when we get the harvest of the tastiest sweet corn. Besides being delicious, in its unprocessed state, it's actually quite healthy. A food study at Cornell University showed that ferulic acid, an antioxidant produced when sweet corn is cooked, is another heart disease and cancer fighter. It's also a good source of vitamins B1, B5, and C, folate, and fiber. Besides eating it on the cob, try corn in salads or as a colorful, crunchy addition to a salsa.
3. Cucumbers. Normally, we don't see cucumbers until they've been pickled and sliced and added to two all-beef patties and a sesame seed bun. Cucumbers are very low in calories (just 4 calories per ounce), a natural diuretic, and thought to help prevent pancreatic, liver, and kidney diseases. They contain potassium, which helps regulate blood pressure. The skin contains silica, which helps strengthen connective tissue. And they're not just for eating. The juice makes a great skin lotion. Those spa ladies with cucumber slices on their eyes aren't doing it for nothing. The juice reduces swelling not just for eye bags but also for burns and skin disorders. A tasty way to eat cucumbers is my Russian grandmother's simple recipe of thinly sliced cucumbers, low-fat yogurt, thinly sliced onion, and chopped dill (she actually used sour cream too, but we won't go there).
4. Eggplant. Eggplants contain lots of vitamins, minerals, and fiber, and also high levels of antioxidants, including nasunin, which has been shown to protect cells from free radical damage. Eggplants also contain terpenes, which are believed to help lower cholesterol. Eggplant is a very versatile ingredient in all kinds of cooking, including Italian, Indian, and Chinese dishes. It can be baked, stewed, or sautéed, among other cooking methods. One thing to watch out for is that the flesh of the eggplant is highly absorptive, so if you fry it in oil, it will soak it all up. One cooking technique is to lightly salt sliced eggplant before cooking it; then let it sit for a half hour and rinse the salt off. This will cause the cell structure of the eggplant to contract, making it a little less "spongey." My mom's been dealing with a bumper crop of eggplant from her backyard garden and has been putting eggplant in everything. A recent success was replacing the pasta in her favorite lasagna recipe with thinly sliced eggplant. It absorbed the tomato sauce instead of the oil and made the dish richer and creamier.
5. Grapes. There's been much written about the benefits of wine, and the harvest for the 2009 vintages is beginning. But you don't have to get loaded to get the benefits of grapes. In their unfermented state, they're a great source of vitamins A, B6, and C, folate, potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, and fiber. Like apples, they contain the antioxidant quercitin. They also contain resveratrol, which has been shown to reduce blood clots and protect arteries from free radical damage. Generally speaking, the darker the grape, the higher the antioxidant levels. Grapes are great snacks and low in calories. They make great additions to salads, or you can freeze them for a warm-weather treat.
6. Okra. This may be the most intimidating ingredient on this list. Many people are put off by okra's bristly outside and somewhat slimy inside, but it has a lot of health benefits that should make you take a second look. It's full of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. And it has great gastrointestinal benefits. Its high mucilage content, which thickens stews and gumbos, also helps absorb cholesterol, toxins, and bile and has a gentle laxative effect. Its seeds also contain amino acids and protein. It is also believed to be good for the skin and hair. It has been said that Cleopatra ate okra as part of her beauty regimen. Okra is great in soups and stews or lightly sautéed as a side dish.
7. Pears. This is my favorite fall food. The biggest, juiciest pears start showing up in farmers' markets right about now. Besides being a great source of stains on my shirts, they have high levels of vitamins C and K, copper, and fiber. They contain even more of the soluble fiber pectin than apples, which can play an important part in digestive health and lowering cholesterol. Pears have also been shown to reduce kidney inflammation and colitis. Asian pears, which are crunchy like an apple, are also in season now and contain the health benefits of both fruits. Pears are great plain, broiled, or poached. Asian pears can be shredded as a healthy addition to a slaw.
8. Peppers. Whether you like them spicy or sweet, now is prime pepper-picking time. Fiber-rich peppers have high levels of vitamins A, C, and K, with red peppers containing the highest levels. Red peppers, like tomatoes, are also good sources of lycopene, which studies show may be linked to cancer prevention. Hot peppers contain capsaicin, which has been shown to help prevent ulcers and lower cholesterol. Plus, hot peppers can help ramp up your metabolism. I can't think of many dishes that couldn't be improved with a little peppery zip. Soups, stir-frys, salads . . . I even had some chocolate cayenne ice cream that was pretty good.
9. Raspberries are some of the healthiest, but priciest, berries out there. So now when they're in season is the most economical time to enjoy them. Raspberries contain several flavonoids called anthocyanins, believed to have antimicrobial properties, which can help prevent fungal and yeast infections and aid with irritable bowel syndrome. A Netherlands study recently showed that raspberries had 10 times as many antioxidants as tomatoes. Like apples and pears, they also contain high levels of pectin. While they're great as snacks and desserts, think about trying them in a salad.
10. Tomatoes. The big new star of the tomato nutritional profile is lycopene. This carotenoid has increasingly been shown to be a powerful antioxidant that may play a big role in preventing cancer and heart disease. They are also great sources of vitamin C. And for those of you who don't care for raw tomatoes (as George Carlin said, they look like they're in the larval stage), tomatoes lose very little of their nutritional value when cooked. So they can be enjoyed stewed, in sauce, and even as ketchup (although we recommend a ketchup free of high fructose corn syrup and low in sodium). This is a prime time to seek out tomatoes at the farmers' market. Especially exotic are the heirloom varieties that come in yellows, greens, purples, browns, and reds. They can make a beautiful multicolored and antioxidant-rich salad.
If you can't get to the farmers' market, you just can't stand eating fruits and vegetables, or you don't have the time to get your recommended number of servings each day, fear not. Try out Shakeology®, the new shake from Beachbody® that contains more than 70 healthy ingredients. It takes the guesswork out of nutrition. It's the Healthiest Meal of the Day®.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
The Best Advice a Father Can Give
The Best Advice a Father Can Give
By Matt FureyIt hit me like a ton of bricks.
I couldn't believe I'd missed it before. I'd read the book many, many times - but this time was different. A secret was revealed to me - and today I'm going to give it to you.
If you are open and receptive to what you are about to read, you can expect a major breakthrough.
Here it is:
"Psychologist David Seabury says that the best piece of advice his father ever gave him was to practice positive mental imagery - immediately and 'on cue,' so to speak, whenever he became aware of negative feelings. Negative feelings literally defeated themselves by becoming a sort of 'bell' which set off a conditioned reflex to arouse positive states of mind."
Now read that passage again. It comes from the 35-million-copy bestseller, Psycho-Cybernetics. Pay particular attention to the words "the best piece of advice his father ever gave him." Why? Because whenever something is "the best piece of advice" someone can give you - especially your father - you know it's got to be good.
In reading this passage, I not only see it as the best advice I can give my son - but myself, and everyone I teach at my seminars and in my coaching programs.
Many people wonder why I am always so calm, cool, and collected. Many wonder how I am able to speak before a crowd in such a nonchalant, totally relaxed way and still have everyone totally riveted.
It's mostly because I have no thoughts of resistance when I speak. I'm not concerned about offending anyone. I'm not even trying to get people to like me. I am simply ME, take it or leave it.
Very few people are like this. They're always trying to figure out how to get others to approve of them or like them. Not good. Because the more you NEED others to like you the less they will like you.
Same goes with money. The more you NEED it, the more it will stay away from you. Money and friends go where they are wanted - not where they are needed. There is a world of difference between want and need. One attracts. The other repels.
Want comes from a vibration of "I'm happy already and I'd like to have this, too." Need comes from a vibration of "I'm miserable and frustrated and I need this thing to make me happy."
Become aware of negative NEED feelings when they arise. And when they do, learn, through practice, to have those feelings immediately trigger the thought to change your vibration into a "feel good" one.
Most people have never been taught to do this by their fathers - or by anyone else. They've been taught to set goals, to have a burning desire, to be optimistic and have a positive attitude.
But what do you do when you look at the state of your finances and you feel bad? What do you do when the reality of your situation begins to ruin your day? What do you do when you're feeling frustrated, fearful, and worried? You do what Dr. Seabury's father told him to do... and what I'm telling you to do.
First, you "recognize" that you are feeling bad.
Second, you understand that this "feel bad" vibration REPELS what you say you want. Your want is not a want. It's a need that comes with the expectation that something outside of yourself will make you happy.
Third, you recognize that this "feel bad" imagery sends a signal to the Universe that you cannot be happy "for no particular reason." And that's not good.
There is a balancing act between having a burning desire and having a desire that burns you.
Having a burning desire creates the necessary mindset that will attract the thing you want. On the other hand, if the desire is connected to "I'm miserable unless I have this thing" - then you are chasing success and that success will always run faster than you do.
Your objective is to attract success, not chase it. Chasing success is repelling success. You never get what you are chasing.
Several years ago, a man sent me an e-mail in which he accused me of "chasing the almighty dollar." He was wrong. At that point in my life, I couldn't even form a mental image of myself doing what he said I was doing.
When I did chase the almighty dollar - and I did it for years - I had no money. When I stopped chasing and learned to attract it, it flowed into my life so fast I was nearly knocked over.
The forces of attraction and repulsion are always at play. Whether you attract more than you repel or repel more than you attract is simply a matter of how strong those forces are. If your repelling energy is stronger, you go deeper into debt. If your attraction energy is stronger, you get wealthier. If both are equally strong, you feel "stuck."
Now the question is... what do you do if you are repelling more than you're attracting?
The answer:
1. You change the way you feel by changing the mental picture you have of your situation.
Every time you feel a negative emotion, you sound the alarm in your head. "Uh, oh. Not good. Change the mental picture to a positive one." You do this over and over, and before long the feel-bad vibe lasts less than a second and you're back to feeling good.
2. You begin each day with exercises that help you go through the whole day without resistance.
You don't just read inspirational messages and books. You stand in front of the mirror and tell yourself what you want. You picture what you want when you speak. You recall previous successes and link them to your future.
3. You have a burning desire in mind, a goal.
You don't expect the goal to give you happiness. You don't let the desire for it burn you by feeling bad that you don't yet have it. In fact, even though you WANT the goal, you are able to "walk away" from it emotionally. If, for example, you want more money - you don't expect more money to give you happiness. You simply want more money - and you put yourself into happiness mode NOW.
If you're happy even though you don't yet have in your possession the thing you want - then you are attracting it to you.
If you're unhappy because you don't yet have in your possession the thing you NEED - then you are repelling it.
So get happy NOW.
Recognize that fear, frustration, and angst are only there to help you change course. They're there to help you see that your mental picture is off-target. Put the right mental image back onto the screen of your mind and watch how the Universe lines things up in your favor.
[Ed. Note: Matt Furey, an internationally recognized expert in self-development, fitness, and martial arts, is president of the Psycho-Cybernetics Foundation, Inc. With Matt's 101 Ways to Magnetize Money, you can learn the REAL SECRETS of financial success known only to the most prosperous men and women who have ever lived. Find out more right here.]
Saturday, February 21, 2009
How Would You Like To Feel Better Forever
Make Up Your Mind Right Now That Your Life Is Never Going To Be The Same From This Moment On!
Whether you want to believe it or not, you can change your life right now! Does
that mean all your problems are going to go away like magic?
Probably not!
That's what I thought, is probably what you're thinking right now. And you can quit
reading right now, & accept things as they are, but until you do something about it
they're going to be the same.
It's up to you!
There's no doubt bad things are going to happen. We're going to have issues to deal with
throughout our lives, but it's how we deal with them that makes the difference. Things don't
just go away, although it'd be nice if they did.
Life happens, & when it does, we better have a way to deal with it. But if the things we can control, are in control, then the surprises don't seem as bad.
Two things we can control are:
any problems". Although that sounds harsh to those without money, it's true. You can
go get another job, scale back, or start some kind of service or business. If you have
health problems though, that better be the first thing you give your attention to.
I invite you to take a look at this before you have any health or money issues. The best time
to deal with a problem is before you have it. If you've already gone over the cliff & are air born, it's to late to hit the brakes! It's better to be prepared & not have an opportunity than to have an opportunity & not be prepared.
that mean all your problems are going to go away like magic?
Probably not!
That's what I thought, is probably what you're thinking right now. And you can quit
reading right now, & accept things as they are, but until you do something about it
they're going to be the same.
It's up to you!
There's no doubt bad things are going to happen. We're going to have issues to deal with
throughout our lives, but it's how we deal with them that makes the difference. Things don't
just go away, although it'd be nice if they did.
Life happens, & when it does, we better have a way to deal with it. But if the things we can control, are in control, then the surprises don't seem as bad.
Two things we can control are:
- Health
- Wealth
any problems". Although that sounds harsh to those without money, it's true. You can
go get another job, scale back, or start some kind of service or business. If you have
health problems though, that better be the first thing you give your attention to.
I invite you to take a look at this before you have any health or money issues. The best time
to deal with a problem is before you have it. If you've already gone over the cliff & are air born, it's to late to hit the brakes! It's better to be prepared & not have an opportunity than to have an opportunity & not be prepared.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Do You Feel Good?
When you get out of bed in the morning, how do you feel? I want to know how do you feel!? Some people don't even know because there lives have just become a big routine. Are you full of energy, or do things start to hurt as soon as your feet hit the floor? Do your eyes slam open when your alarm goes off because you're looking forward to the day? Can you walk up the stairs without getting winded? Is it hard to tie your shoes? Are you happy?
Now, let's find out how you feel about where you're going to spend more than 1/2 of your day. Do you wish you were spending the day with your family, or are you dying to get to your job? Do you love what you do for a living? Is everyday the day you dreamed about while you were growing up? Do you feel like your trapped in a job you hate, with people you don't really like, in a place you really don't want to be? Why?
The previous questions are real things you need to think about. The time you spent reading the last two paragraphs is gone. You'll never get it back! That extra 10 lbs. you packed on since you quit exercising would love to hang around all the time, & it will until you do something about it. The job you hate going to everyday, will always be there, or will it? Your dreams will always be there, whether you live them or not. They're your dreams! They were given to you to be lived, but that's up to you. I hope you at least still have dreams.
So often we fall into the "trap", & "settle" for what we're given. You take a job you don't really want, & pretty soon 10 years go by. You start a family, think you're too old to change things, & you settle for what you have. Day after day you go to work, come home, watch t.v. & get up the next day & repeat. Now, I'm not saying we don't have it pretty good compared to a lot of people. But if what you're doing everyday isn't making you happier & healthier, you better think hard. Maybe you're one of the rare ones who loves what they do, has all the money they need, & all the time they want to spend with there family. Chances are you're not though. We get one shot at this life, and we're supposed to make the most of it.
I don't know what area or areas of your life you want to improve, but without money & health, it's hard to improve anything. I suggest you figure out what it is you want sooner than later. Bring your dreams back to life! Live your life!
Now, let's find out how you feel about where you're going to spend more than 1/2 of your day. Do you wish you were spending the day with your family, or are you dying to get to your job? Do you love what you do for a living? Is everyday the day you dreamed about while you were growing up? Do you feel like your trapped in a job you hate, with people you don't really like, in a place you really don't want to be? Why?
The previous questions are real things you need to think about. The time you spent reading the last two paragraphs is gone. You'll never get it back! That extra 10 lbs. you packed on since you quit exercising would love to hang around all the time, & it will until you do something about it. The job you hate going to everyday, will always be there, or will it? Your dreams will always be there, whether you live them or not. They're your dreams! They were given to you to be lived, but that's up to you. I hope you at least still have dreams.
So often we fall into the "trap", & "settle" for what we're given. You take a job you don't really want, & pretty soon 10 years go by. You start a family, think you're too old to change things, & you settle for what you have. Day after day you go to work, come home, watch t.v. & get up the next day & repeat. Now, I'm not saying we don't have it pretty good compared to a lot of people. But if what you're doing everyday isn't making you happier & healthier, you better think hard. Maybe you're one of the rare ones who loves what they do, has all the money they need, & all the time they want to spend with there family. Chances are you're not though. We get one shot at this life, and we're supposed to make the most of it.
I don't know what area or areas of your life you want to improve, but without money & health, it's hard to improve anything. I suggest you figure out what it is you want sooner than later. Bring your dreams back to life! Live your life!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
5 Reasons to Sleep Your Way to Better Health
5 Reasons to Sleep Your Way to Bet
By Suzy Buglewicz
When your mother told you to get your beauty sleep, she may have been on to something. From babies to adults, studies show that the amount of sleep a person gets can directly affect his or her diet and overall health. While individual sleep needs vary, most adults need about 7 to 9 hours of sleep a night consistently, while school-aged children need 9 to 12 hours. According to the National Sleep Foundation, about one third of adults regularly get 6 hours or less of sleep a night. How do you know if you're getting enough sleep? A good way to tell is if you feel alert during the day and feel satisfied with the amount of sleep you are getting. And there are myriad reasons to make sure that happens. Here are five reasons to get enough sleep.
Reduces the risk of depression. Getting enough sleep is essential for functioning both mentally and physically during the day. Not getting enough can lead to dramatic mood swings, which can increase the risk of depression. Do you have a moody teenager in the house? Pediatricians recommend that teenagers get from 8 to 10 hours of sleep a night. While pulling an occasional all-nighter is not likely to make much of a long-term difference in our health, research shows that consistent sleep deprivation—getting less than 6 hours of sleep on a regular basis—can have lasting effects that can't be reversed. These effects can include high blood pressure, negative moods, and a decrease in productivity. Good sleep habits lead to better moods at work as well as better moods in our social interactions and personal relationships.
Helps maintain an optimal weight. In a culture that encourages us to work and play 24/7 and fuel fatigue with caffeine to keep going, it's easy to see why so many of us are frequently tired. But did you know that getting too little sleep can cause weight gain? Studies have shown that sleep deprivation can lower proteins in the body that suppress our appetites, causing people to want to eat more than they would if they had gotten enough sleep. And when we're tired from lack of sleep, we tend to overeat to refuel our bodies—to replace the energy we've lost. Unfortunately, we're more likely to reach for our favorite comfort foods or foods that give us a quick burst of energy, and those foods tend to be high in calories and carbohydrates. People who don't get enough sleep might also feel too tired to keep up a regular exercise routine, making it harder for them to maintain a healthy weight.
Increases the ability to think clearly. A lack of sleep not only makes us drowsy and unable to concentrate, it can also lead to impaired memory function and job performance. When we're well rested, we're likely to be more alert, physically stronger, and better able to perform well at our jobs and at creative problem solving. A lack of sleep in schoolkids can lead to poor concentration and behavior problems in school. Sleep deprivation has also been shown to decrease hand-eye coordination and reaction times, especially when driving. When we do get enough sleep, we're able to think clearly and react to situations quickly.
Reduces stress. It's no coincidence that as a society we've cut back on sleep over the past few decades by 1 to 2 hours a night, while studies show that more of us are reporting higher levels of stress than in past years. According to the National Sleep Foundation, 35 percent of adults report that they don't get enough sleep, with women feeling the effects of sleep deprivation more than men. Unfortunately, many adults accept their lack of sleep as a way of life and turn to caffeine to combat the fatigue they feel during the day. Aiming for at least 7 hours of sleep a night—along with exercise and a balanced diet—will minimize stress.
It's good for the heart. When it comes to getting a good night's sleep, there are significant health benefits for people of all ages. Research has shown that consistently skimping on sleep can weaken our immune systems, making us more vulnerable to sickness and disease. Several studies have shown that a lack of sleep, or getting less than 6 hours of sleep a night regularly, can lead to an irregular heart rate as well as higher blood pressure and increased cholesterol levels, which are both risk factors for heart disease. So the next time you try to short yourself on a good night's sleep, think about all the health benefits you're missing by staying awake for that extra hour or two.
Strategies for a Better Night's Sleep
- Maintain a regular bedtime and wake-up schedule
- Establish a regular bedtime routine that includes such things as reading or taking a bath
- Sleep on a comfortable pillow and mattress
- Avoid activities like paying bills or working (even exercise, for some people) right before bedtime
- Maintain a regular exercise schedule
Sunday, January 4, 2009
10 Reasons to be Your Own Boss!!!
10 reasons to be your own boss!!!
1) Be there for your family. This is frequently the number one reason for starting a business. Being there for your children, your spouse, or your aging parents... it's so important.
2) Make yourself wealthy. Why would you continue to work on making someone else wealthy when you can use all that hard work toward your own future?
3) Choose your own hours. Work when you want, where you want, for as long as you want. It doesn't get any better than this!
4) Write your own paychecks. You don't ever have to ask for a raise. You work for it. If you need more income, you know exactly what you need to do to get it.
5) Tax Benefits. You'll save thousands in income taxes when you know what you can deduct as business expenses. Check with your accountant!
6) No Commute. Actually, you will have a commute - from your bedroom to your home office (which may even be in your bedroom!). The average working American wastes hours per day sitting in traffic on the way to and from work. No more!
7) Live where you want! You no longer have to worry about being close to your employer. City, suburbs, or mountain home ... it's up to you.
8) Eliminate your overhead. You don't need to rent a big fancy office and furnish it with expensive equipment. It's called your house! A spare room or just some space in an existing room will do.
9) Vacation days whenever you need them! Need a day off? You won't have to "call in" to anyone but yourself. Talk about flexibility!
10) You are the best b.o.s.s you've ever worked for. It shouldn't be any other way!
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